About Us About Us
a place for you at the table 3

About Us


is to practice the ways of Jesus together and obey His great commandment & commission.

We love God, for who He is and what He's done, and so live to bring Him glory.

We love one another, and so aim to spur each other on in spiritual formation.

We love our neighbours, so we actively pursue their good.

To this end, we are committed to a set of biblical practices that turn our lives toward the grace of God and toward the world He loves.

OUR practices

We are committed to communion. Gathering to be present to God and present to one another.

We are committed to formation. Growing spiritually and seeking first the kingdom of God.

We are committed to neighbouring. Extending Christ’s presence through hospitality in our homes.

OUR location

You can find us practicing these things “on the move.”  We occupy three spaces continually, represented by 1) a close circle, 2) a dotted circle, and 3) a half circle. 

Sunday morning gathering is our close circle. This is not a closed circle that excludes "outsiders." To the contrary, everyone is welcome to come as they are and explore faith! This circle is close because a supernatural unity exists among a group of Christ-followers who gather to worship Him, train under His word, discern His will, and join His mission. In this space, Jesus is our Host, and we sit at His table. Communion and formation take place here, but not here only. The presence of Christ extends out from here, into our neighbourhoods through us "as we go."

Our homes are represented by a dotted circle. Here, we are the host, practicing hospitality, evangelism, and formation by inviting our neighbour to gather around our table and see who God is. But Christ’s presence doesn’t just remain in our homes either, it goes out with us into the community spaces we occupy throughout the week.


Here, we are God's ambassadors and witnesses everyday in our workplaces, schools, and arenas - represented by a half circle. We go out into the world as guests, never asking if Christ will be present, but asking if His presence will be welcomed.


We are a community of people who have sensed God's call to do this mission right here in Hensall, ON. We've called our church Cornerstone because we want to help you build your life on the firm foundation that is Jesus Christ.

So come. Explore faith, find community, and take the next step in your spiritual journey.

There's a place for you at our table.