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Forest Cliff Campfire Youth Retreat.  Oct. 4-6

For Youth grade 6-9. Cost is $100. Follow this link to register: REGISTER HERE. Choose 'Cornerstone Church' as your group during the registration process. Details for transportation will be coming soon. Follow this link for more information about the retreat and Forest Cliff: MORE INFO HERE.

Youth Group 

Begins Wednesday, Sept. 11th, 7-8:30 pm here in our building, then continues every-other Wednesday throughout the year, with special events and retreats along the way. A typical night will include games & fun activities along with time in God's Word. 

September & October Schedule:

  • Wednesday, Sept. 11th
  • Wednesday, Sept 25th
  • Friday, Oct. 4th - Sunday, Oct. 6th - Forest Cliff Retreat
  • Wednesday, Oct. 9th
  • Wednesday, Oct. 23rd

For more information, reach out to Tim & Hannah Macleod:


Are smaller communities within the Cornerstone family, learning and practicing the ways of Jesus together. Join in to find good friends and trustworthy mentors to spur you on in your spiritual journey.

Life Groups will restart in the fall.


Come as you are to our Sunday morning gatherings. Expect a hot drink and good conversation. Our services are approx. an hour long. We sing, pray, and study the Bible together.

Address. 76 King Street, Hensall. Main floor of the old Hensall Church Building.

Time. 12:00 pm noon. Hurry is an enemy of spiritual formation and we don't want you to be in a rush on Sunday mornings. So sleep in, enjoy some rest and quality family time, then join us for our service.

Have kids? Awesome, bring them along too. We have a Nursery & Toddler room available for pre-school kids and a Sunday School time for kids Kindergarten to grade 5. The children join us for the first part of our service and get dismissed about half-way through. This year (2024-25), our teachers will be walking our kids through the

We also have a Jr. Youth Sunday School Class that runs every other Sunday for youth grade 6-9.

Sermon Series. This fall we dive into the OT Book of Ruth, a story about family, redemption, and God's care in the midst of life's disappointments.

Come hungry. Relationships grow and conversations flow when sharing a meal together. So six times a year we enjoy a potluck lunch together after our service. We provide the main dish and ask that you bring along a side, salad or dessert. Here are the 2024/25 dates:

  • Oct. 20th
  • Nov. 17th
  • Jan. 19th
  • Feb. 16th - Family Day Weekend 
  • March 16th
  • April 13 - A pre-service Easter breakfast

Struggling? need someone to talk to?

Then please take advantage of the Agora Christian Support Line for mental health. This is a free service open to everyone and anyone. They are not therapists or counsellors and will not be making referrals to such, but will offer prayer, encouragement, and support with your concern. You can even remain anonymous if you desire.

Agora support line

questions? Need prayer?

Please reach out to us, we'd love to connect with you and answer any questions you may have about Jesus or our church. Fill out the form below and we'll get back to you shortly. No, we will not use your info for any solicitation purposes. 

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